Wednesday, March 7, 2007


Last weekend my friend's parents came from Chicago.My friend and I took them sightseeing to San Francisco and watched the Chinese New Year parade.It was crowded and really excited.Some team were make the Chinese culture that let explain to people knew about how come in the Chinese New Year has fired fire-cracker and Lion dacing.In Chinese culture legend in the day of new year has 2 devils came from the wood to the village to catch the farmers fired fire-cracker to made them scared and left.In the other hand,the Lion is symbolize for strong and well-off.Therefore,in Chinese New Year you can see people do both things together.
After parade we went to Sunset city for diner,we ate Japanese and Chinese food.On Sunday we went to San Jose one more time and took them to the temple to make a wish.Then shopping at Macy's.It was a lot fun and tire.

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